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Wise Counsel: Selected verses from the Book of ben Sira for a Seliḥot Service by Paltiel Birnbaum


Source (Hebrew)Translation (English)

1:20 Reverence for the Lord is the root of wisdom,
And the branches of wisdom are long life.

1:30 Do not exalt yourself, or you may fall
And bring disgrace upon yourself.

3:3 He who provides for his father atones for his sins;
He who honors his mother is like one who gathers treasure.
בני התחזק בכבוד אביך
ואל תעזבהו כל ימי חייך׃
3:12 My child, help your father in his old age;
Do not grieve him as long as he lives.
אש לוהטת יכבו מים
כן צדקה תכפר חטאת׃
3:30 As water will quench a blazing fire,
So kindliness will atone for sin.
בני אל תלעג לחיי עני
ואל תדאיב נפש עני ומר נפׄש׃
4:1 My child, do not defraud the poor of their living;
Do not make the eyes of the needy wait long.
דָוֶה[1] או “רֹוֶוה”  נפש חסירה אל תפוח
ואל תתעלם מִמְּדֻכְדָּך֯ נפש׃
4:2 Do not pain a hungry heart;
Do not anger a man in distress.
הט לעני אזנך
והשיבהו שלום בענוה׃
4:8 Listen to what a poor man has to say,
And give him a peaceful and gentle answer.
אל תאחר לשוב אליו
ואל תתעבר מיום אל יום׃
5:7 Do not put off turning to the Lord;
Do not postpone it from day to day.
אל תקרא בעל שתים
ובלשונך אל תרגל רע׃
5:14 Do not be known as a whisperer;
Do not set an ambush with your tongue.

18:30 Do not follow your impulses,
But refrain from your longings.
אל תשמח אל שמץ תענוג
אשר פי שנים רישו׃
18:32 Do not spend a small earning for your pleasure,
for that will bring a double poverty.[2] This is the text found in C V Recto (Beentjes: C IV Recto). Birnbaum’s 18:32 follows most English editions of Ecclesiasticus: “Do not indulge in too much luxury, and do not be tied to its expense.” 

21:2 Flee from sin as from a serpent,
For it will bite you when you come near it.

28:7 Do not be angry with your neighbor,
And overlook men’s ignorance.

28:2 Forgive your fellow man his wrongdoings,
Then your sins will be forgiven when you pray.

Hebrew verses via The Book of ben Sira website. For example, ben Sira 18:32 is attested in C V Recto (Beentjes: C IV Recto). In Ben Sira 4:2, we have followed the reading in the Maagarim Database (Thanks Isaac!).






1או “רֹוֶוה”
2This is the text found in C V Recto (Beentjes: C IV Recto). Birnbaum’s 18:32 follows most English editions of Ecclesiasticus: “Do not indulge in too much luxury, and do not be tied to its expense.”

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